Passing parameters to a job

Often a job needs some kind of configuration or parameter to run. Imagine you have a job that generates a report and can run daily, weekly or monthly. You could create three different jobs for each frequency, but that would be a lot of duplicated code. Instead, you can pass in parameters to the job.

Services.AddNCronJob(options => 
    options.AddJob<ReportJob>(j => 
        // Runs every day at midnight and passes in the string "daily"
        j.WithCronExpression("0 0 * * *").WithParameter("daily")
         .WithCronExpression("0 0 * * 0").WithParameter("weekly")
         .WithCronExpression("0 0 1 * *").WithParameter("monthly");

In the ReportJob you can now access the parameter via the JobExecutionContext:

public class ReportJob : IJob
    public Task RunAsync(IJobExecutionContext context, CancellationToken token)
        var parameter = context.Parameter;
        // Do something with the parameter
        switch (parameter)
            case "daily":
                // Generate daily report
            case "weekly":
                // Generate weekly report
            case "monthly":
                // Generate monthly report
        return Task.CompletedTask;

Parameters are not immutable

Passed in parameters are not immutable by default or cloned throughout the job execution. This means that if you change the parameter in the job, it will also change in the next execution. If you need to keep the parameter unchanged, you should clone it in the job.

public class MyParameter
  public int Counter { get; set; }

Services.AddNCronJob(b =>
  b.AddJob<MyJob>(p => p.WithCronExpression(...));

public class MyJob : IJob
  public Task RunAsync(IJobExecutionContext context, CancellationToken token)
     var myParam = (MyParameter)context.Parameter;
     myParam.Counter++; // This will be incremented with each job run

If MyJob runs twice already and is invoked a third time, myParam.Counter will be 2 when the function gets invoked.