
NCronJob provides a way to get notified when a job is done. For this, implement a IJobNotificationHandler<TJob> and register it in your DI container.

builder.Services.AddNCronJob(options =>
    options.AddCronJob<PrintHelloWorld>(j => 
        // Every minute and optional parameter
        j.WithCronExpression("* * * * *")
         .WithParameter("Hello World");

This allows to run logic after a job is done. The JobExecutionContext and the Exception (if there was one) are passed to the Handle method.

public class MyJobNotificationHandler : IJobNotificationHandler<MyJob>
    private readonly ILogger<MyJobNotificationHandler> logger;

    public MyJobNotificationHandler(ILogger<MyJobNotificationHandler> logger)
        this.logger = logger;

    public Task HandleAsync(JobExecutionContext context, Exception? exception, CancellationToken token)
        if (exception is not null)
            logger.LogError(exception, "Job failed");
            logger.LogInformation("Job was successful");
            logger.LogInformation("Output: {Output}", context.Output);

        return Task.CompletedTask;