Registering multiple CRON expressions

The flient builder allows you to register multiple CRON expressions for a single job. This is useful when you want to run a job at different times of the day. For example:

Services.AddNCronJob(options =>
    // Register a job that runs at midnight and midday
    options.AddJob<ExampleJob>(j =>
        j.WithCronExpression("0 0 * * *") // Run at midnight
         .WithCronExpression("0 12 * * *"); // Run at midday

The And method is used to chain multiple CRON expressions together. You can chain as many expressions as you like. If a given job has the same CRON expression registered multiple times, it will be executed multiple times as well.

Services.AddNCronJob(options =>
    // Register a job that runs every 5 minutes
    options.AddJob<ExampleJob>(j =>
        j.WithCronExpression("*/5 * * * *") // Run every 5 minutes
         .WithCronExpression("*/5 * * * *"); // Run every 5 minutes

Two instances of the ExampleJob class will be created and executed every 5 minutes.