Exception Handler

NCronJob, much like ASP.NET, offers a central way to handle exceptions. This is useful when you want to log exceptions or send an E-Mail when a job fails. The exception handler has to inherit from the IExceptionHandler interface.

public class MyExceptionHandler : IExceptionHandler
    public Task<bool> TryHandleAsync(JobExecutionContext context, Exception exc, CancellationToken token)
        // Handle the exception
        return Task.FromResult(true);

If the TryHandleAsync method returns true, the exception is considered as handled and no other exception handler will be called. If it returns false, the next exception handler will be called, if available.

Therefore the order of registration is important. The first registered exception handler will be called first.

Order of execution with NotificationHandlers

All exception handlers are executed before the IJobNotificationHandler for that specific job is called. Independent if the exception handler returns true or false, the IJobNotificationHandler will get the exception passed in.